Freelance Design Plus
Freelance Design Plus
Meet your core design needs. Pre-purchase an 16 hour / 2 Day time block.
You decide how you want to use the time. Capabilities include:
- Creative artworking
- Graphic Design
- Art Direction
Choose how many monthly creative hours you need and use them on any of the capabilities in your plan. Don’t worry, unused hours rollover, so nothing is ever wasted.
Benefits and Features:
- Pre-purchased Time blocks = Lower Hourly/Day rates
- Pre-booked time blocks prioritised
- Unused Hours within a month are rolled-over
- Multi disciplined with experience across multiple brands and sectors
* Fees exclude added services – sourced contractors for specified content creation;
- Photography
- CopywritingÂ
- Videography, motion graphics etc
- Software; hardware, licences, couriers and travel etc
Sourced contractors will be requested to cost on sight of a task specific brief and will be quoted for and billed for separately.
We will not charge for any additional work without prior written notification.